Memorial Fund – Honoring the Memory of Church Family
Legacy Fund – Providing for the future of our Church
The Greenbush Reformed Church Memorial Fund has received a number of generous donations from family and friends to honor the memory of a loved one. The Memorial Committee has been charged with the task of using these donations to both honor the deceased and to provide for the needs of the church. The Memorial Committee continues to work with the families to determine the best way to honor their loved one with these funds.
The Greenbush Reformed Church Legacy Fund consists of gifts received through bequests, memorial contributions or special donations. These donations are invested and the earnings may be used for special outreach, worship or educational programs beyond our regular budget, or to keep our buildings and campus functional and attractive, by helping to fund major repairs, replacement, and construction of our facility.
Thanks to the generosity of a number of individuals who have remembered the GRC through a bequest in their will and the families and friends who have contributed through the Memorial Fund, we have been very fortunate to be able to utilize earnings from the Legacy Fund to cover the costs of several much needed major capital improvements over the years, as well as to cover shortfalls in our general expenses. Without this Fund, we might have had to borrow the money to make these improvements, placing the burden of repayment on the congregation. In recognition of these generous donations given through memorial or bequest to the Legacy Fund, these names will be added to the Tree of Life Legacy Fund Memorial Plaque. We thank our church family for the faithful support of GRC and our mission. We are truly blessed!