GRC 2023 MISSION FUND DISBURSEMENTS: Concerns-U ($500); RCA Board of Pensions ($300); Hope College ($200); Central College ($200); Northwestern College ($200); Synod of Albany Program Council ($600); Camp Fowler ($1,000); New Brunswick Theological Seminary ($500); Joseph’s House and Shelter ($500); Capital Area Council of Churches ($300); Doors of Hope ($500); Capital City Rescue Mission ($1,200); Sunshine Day Nursery Scholarship Fund ($500); Sunshine Day Nursery tuition assistance for teachers ($2,000); Sunshine Day Nursery (); Troy Area United Ministries ($300); Interfaith Partnership for the Homeless ($800); CACC’s Emergency Homeless Overflow Shelter ($800), RCA Missionary Joshua Vis, Project Peace Missionary ($3,500); Eastern Door Counseling Center ($1,000); Mom Starts Here ($400); Boys and Girls Club in Albany ($400); Earthquake Relief (World Food Program ($893); World Food Program (Morocco-$500, Libya-$500); World Food Program (Gaza/West Bank) ($1000); and Doctors without borders ($892). Total-$22,085.00. (Above figures do not include scholarships provided to Camp Fowler participants and others, non-monetary donations made to Concerns U and Doors of Hope, and gifts provided to those in need from the Pastor’s Discretionary Fund.) THANK YOU FOR MAKING THESE DONATIONS POSSIBLE!
SPECIAL DONATION ENVELOPE REMINDER: Mission Fund-November 5, 2023; Classis Assessment-October 22, 2023; Debt Reduction/Capital Improvement-November 12, 2023; Scholarship Fund